Sacred Learning focuses on spiritual development in a manner consistent with the sunnah (example) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). We encourage a routine of worship and learning to grow the soul, coupled with istighfar (repentance) to cleanse the heart from the effects of shortcomings. Our personalized approach takes into account individual strengths and weaknesses so that students can achieve their highest potential in worship, personal relationships, and professional endeavors.


Our team is led by Shaykh Husain A. Sattar, who oversees the efforts of Sacred Learning in general and students’ development in particular. Shaykh Husain spent decades in the company of his teachers and–alongside his professional career as an academic physician and professor–has been training students spiritually for over twenty years.


Our programs cover general topics that are applicable to everyone. All events are open to the public and most are recorded and posted online free of charge.


Students seeking to develop themselves spiritually (tasawwuf) are encouraged to review our online materials and attend programs in person whenever possible. Those who would like to formally develop themselves under the tutelage of Shaykh Husain should submit a request using our contact page.


Students are encouraged to follow a daily routine of dhikr, including recitation of the Holy Quran, seeking forgiveness for shortcomings (istighfar), sending salutations on the Prophet (salawat), and remembering Allah, Most High, silently in one’s heart (muraqabah). The tabs below detail the daily routine.


The signs of spiritual progress are that a student develops depth in their worship, an attachment to the sunnah, especially in their manner of interaction with others, excellence in their deeds, and a general preference for the hereafter over this world. Each student progresses by the grace of Allah, Most High, at their own pace and through their own efforts with the shaykh acting as a coach or guide along the way.


Sacred Learning is committed to the pursuit of spiritual excellence in both personal and congregational matters. Such excellence is a gift from Allah and only arises in an environment where the standards of our din and the Prophetic Sunnah are upheld. In fact, violation of these standards leads to nothing more than spiritual decay.

To that end, discrimination, sexual misconduct, predatory behavior, physical or verbal abuse, and exploitation of the student-teacher relationship are not tolerated. To preserve our standards, Sacred Learning maintains hijab (separation) between genders, particularly in student-teacher interactions, and prohibits gifts, monetary renumeration, or loans to its teachers. Additionally, Sacred Learning does not compensate (financially or otherwise) Shaykh Husain or other designated representatives.


Sacred Learning would like to get to know everyone who attends our programs, in person or virtually, so that we can better serve our community. We value each individual who attends and recognize that everyone contributes to the blessings of any gathering. All information is kept private and is governed by our Privacy Policy. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Our staff can be reached at privacy@sacredlearning.org.

Interested in learning more about spiritual development?
Contact us for more details.