The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) established a tradition of seeking refuge in the house of Allah during the last ten days of Ramadan; an act of worship known as itikaf.  During these days the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would seclude himself in the masjid and devote himself to the remembrance of his Creator.  Since then countless believers have followed in the footsteps of our beloved Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) seeking self-rectification and the attainment of new heights in their relationships with Allah through itikaf.

Each year itikaf takes place during the last 10 days of Ramadan.  Throughout this time it is sunnah for men to remain in the masjid for the entire ten-day period.  Those who cannot spend the full ten days performing a sunnah itikaf should seek to spend as much time in the masjid as possible.  For sisters, itikaf is performed at home by remaining in an assigned area of the home and spending time in the remembrance of Allah.

Topics from previous years included:

  • Du’a (1434)
  • Shamail (1430)
  • Fundamentals of Tasawwuf (1429)
  • Seerah (1428)
  • Fiqh of Hajj and Umrah (1427)
  • Fiqh and Virtues of Sawm (Fasting) (1426)
  • Fiqh of Taharah (Purification) (1423)
  • Fiqh of Salat (1423 – 1425)
  • Hadith – Shamail of Imam Tirmidhi (1422 & 1423)
  • Hadith – Imam Nawawi’s Arbaeen (1423)